Forde Radio Podcast #2
Hypnagogic States
26.01.2011, 18h-19h30

Oneohtrix Point Never, Nobody Here, 2009
"And since, according to Antiquity, it is the imagination which forms dream images, this explains the particular relationship to truth which dreams have in the ancient world (like divination per somnia) and to efficacious knowledge (like medical treatment per incubationem). This is still true in primitive cultures. Devereux reports that the Mojave (not unlike other shamanistic cultures) believe that shamanistic powers and knowledge of myths, as well as the actions and chants that refer to them, are acquired in dreams - and, moreover, that if they were acquired in a waking state, they would remain sterile and ineffective until they were dreamed." (Giorgio Agamben, 1993)
Michael Mann, Manhunter
Demdike Stare, Matilda's Dream
J.J. Abrams, Lost, season 3 episode 22 : Through the Looking Glass
La Monte Young, Well Tuned Piano
Seth Price, Tale of the Skull
Tony Conrad & Faust, From the Side of Woman and Mankind
Brion Gysin, Flicker
Ducktails, Seagull’s Flight
« Raymond Hains » par Bernard Blistène
Ron Rice, Chumlum
Ash Ra Tempel, Le Songe d'Or
Carlos Castaneda, interview on Radio KPFA
Steven Halpern, Inner Radiance
NASA Voyager Recordings, Symphonies of the Planets 1
Carlos Castaneda, Magical Passes
The Residents, Floating Down The Nile part 2
Joachim Koester, interview
Popol Vuh, Hand in Hand in Hand
Kyle MacLachlan, The Killer In My Dream Was Named Bob...
David Lynch & Mark Frost, Twin Peaks, Season 2 episode 22 : Beyond Life and Death
Kate Bush, And Dream Of Sheep
Greg Davis, Regarding Wave (Part 1)
Tim Blake, Midnight
Duncan Ward and Gabriella Cardazzo, Imaginary Landscape, A Film on Brian Eno
Oneohtrix Point Never, Nobody Here
Emeralds, Genetic
Selected by Yann Chateigné Tytelman