Forde Radio Podcast #5
The Rubber Room
23.03.2011, 18h-19h30

Par Oystein Aasan, à l’occasion de son exposition All fun and games, until someone loses an eye.
From: Oystein Aasan
Howdy mister!
Here is an image for the web, web optimized and everything. The gentleman in question is Portner Wagoner, from the time when he was actually admitted to a "resting place".... And here he is at another time:
Here, more about the time in an institution:
Its quite something actually.
This one too:
The title of the podcast is taken from his song, called The Rubber Room, and while making it I imagined that it had a resemblance to the "the rubber room one and two" in the exhibition. It would be bits and pieces of information going into the preparation of the show. A bit of a deconstructed archive, or something, looking at Committed to Parkview I think I really hit a stride, also for Mr. Wagoner.
I suggest you print this email as the text for the podcast, with the Youtube links.
All the best
and on another note:
check out the texan: